
A trustworthy service from an HongKongers team of professionals.

guardianship programme 監護計劃

Guardianship Services 監護服務

Trust Team Management 信任團隊管理

Safe and reliable transportation 安全可靠的交通安排

Half term and exeat accommodation 半學期和建議外出假期住宿



A person will waiting at the airport to meet your child.


Choose a host family for your child's school holiday.

Emergency assistance 緊急援助00



We will be there to help in an emergency on parent behalf.



我們的團隊會鼓勵你的孩子,實現他們的理想,並培養他們的才能和興趣。 如果有需要,我們會參加學校的家長晚會和一些學校活動,例如運動會、畢業典禮和藝術展覽。我們致力於支持他們的學術發展,並提供大學生或畢業生作為他們學習上的導師,這班導師才真正了解他們學習上的需要,並可針對科目學習提供綱上課堂,達至最住效果。另外除了學術, 我們也會提供音樂或其他綱上興趣課程, 如有需要,可聯絡我們查詢。

Our team strive to motivate your child, encourage them to achieve all you can and nurture their talents and interests. If required, we will attend school parent’s evenings and important events in your education such as sports days, graduation ceremonies and art exhibitions. We are committed to supporting their academic development and providing university students or graduates as their academic tutors. This class of tutors truly understand their learning needs and can provide lessons for subject learning to achieve the most effective results. In addition to academic studies, we will also provide music or other online courses. If necessary,  please Contact us  for free advice.