UK Talent 是由一群了解香港人需求的香港人組成 !

如果您將子女送到英國寄宿學校,那麼學校和當局都會要求您提供英國監護人的資料,因為您不是住在英國,該監護人就是需要在英國對您的孩子負責任。 沒有朋友或家人住在英國的父母通常會求助於監護組織提供服務。UK Talent 是由一班香港人組成,  最明白香港人需要,我們提供一站式監護人服務,並設有廣東話查詢熱線,讓家長和 UK Talent 保持良好溝通,並不會因為言語問題,而導致溝通出現誤會,從而令孩子在英國得到更安全貼心的照顧。

About UK Talent 關於我們



guardianship from people you can trust 

If you are sending your child to a UK boarding school, then you will be asked by the school and the authorities to provide the information of a UK based guardian who is responsible for your child as you are not living in the UK.  Parents who do not have a friend or family member who lives in the UK often turn to the services of a guardianship organisation. UK Talent is composed of a group of HongKonger who understanding of they needs of Hong Kong people, and provide one-stop guardianship service. It provides a Cantonese enquiry hotline so that parents can well communicate with UK Talent. There will be no language problems that lead to errors in communication. In this way, The child can be taken care of in a safer and more caring manner in the UK.